Process Adsorbents

Our portfolio includes the following processes absorbents:

1. Natural Gas

Gas Dehydration
Gas Dehydration and CO2 Removal
CO2 and Mercaptan Removal
PSA N2 and CH4 Separation

2. Refinery

Ethane, Ethylene, Propane/ Propylene Dehydration,
PSA Hydrogen purification,
Chloride & Halogen Removal,
Sulfur species Removal
Mercury& Arsenic removal
Oxygenates removal
Reducing compounds (CO, H2) removal

3. Industrial Gas

CO2 removal for cryogenic air separation
VPSA, PSA oxygen generation
PSA hydrogen purification
N2O removal for cryogenic air separation
PSA CO enrichment

4. Others

Ethanol Dehydration
Air Dryers Etc.